Our flag is more important than whether it flies at full or half staff

My article on Sunday was about Presidents Carter (39) and Trump (45 and 47). My article on Monday was about power trips. We have a new American "controversy" to discuss. It all seems to fall together well.
Said controversy should not interrupt our unity (however brief said unity may be) and should not be deemed disrespectful to incoming President Donald J. Trump nor the recently-deceased 39th president, Jimmy Carter.
According to the Associated Press, House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana ordered the flag at the United States capitol building to be raised to full staff next Monday, January 20, in honor of incoming president Trump.
Similar orders have come from governors of five or so states, including Republican governor Bill Lee here in my home state of Tennessee.
The upshot: Flag raised in honor of the presidential inauguration on January 20. Flag lowered once again in honor of President Jimmy Carter until January 29.
My reaction: "YIKES. Here we go again ..."
While I respect the views of Speaker Johnson and the various governors, especially Governor Lee, this "wedge" should not be driven far here in a nation that is already bitterly divided.
It is rare that a former president dies in the days leading up to the inauguration of one of his successors.
Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, despite their age, attended President Trump's first inauguration on January 20, 2017.
Trump and Carter had an exchange of correspondence and phone conversation regarding China during President Trump's first term.
Mrs. Melania Trump attended the funeral of Mrs. Rosalynn Carter. Mr. & Mrs. Trump were both present on January 9 of this year at the state funeral for President Carter.
The "flag compromise" is not a reason for anyone to go crazy. I get it from both sides: Former presidents have flags lowered to "half staff" for thirty days following their passing.
I also understand the incoming president's desire for the flags to "fly high" as he takes office for the second time in an eight year period - with four more to come.
Once President Trump takes office, he can reverse President Biden's executive order regarding flag height for the remaining days of mourning following Jimmy Carter's death.
Anything could happen, but the smart money says that President Trump will let the flag order stand.
After all, one day, sooner or later and if God keeps us here, Donald J. Trump will be the president that we honor once he dies.
I'll be in favor of thirty days at "half staff" then, as well (presuming I am alive and well when that time comes). As we move forward, Donald Trump remains a strong and hella smart leader. But he perhaps also realizes that he won't be around forever.
President Trump will turn 79 on June 14, 2025.
Let's hope that Donald Trump makes it through all four years of his "2.0" presidency. Let's also hope that he continually realizes that he, like the rest of us, will die, sooner or later.
Strength through humility is the best strength.
James A. Rose, Publisher
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